Friday, February 26, 2010

Hide the Food!

So...I've been eating a lot this week. Well, a lot for me. There's been a lot of snacking going on. Not entirely sure why, but I've got a few theories:
  1. Pre-time-of-the-month
  2. Less running/working out because of a twinge (which I'll discuss more another time)
  3. Because I KEEP BUYING SNACK FOOD (namely, banana chips. Oh, how I love banana chips...)
Since I began making better food choices and, consequently, losing weight, I've developed a relatively strong willpower when it comes to not giving in to temptation. I've probably offended my coworkers more than once by refusing cookies and such (why do people always feel the need to make you eat when they see that you're losing weight?!? Anyone else have this problem?). But for the past few weeks I've just been, well, hungry. Hungrier than usual. To hold myself accountable, here's what I've eaten today:
  • Bowl of Special K w/skim milk
  • Coffee
  • 6-8 malted milk balls (an anomoly in my pantry--a moment of weakness in the bulk food section)
  • Handful of carrots w/hummus
  • Bagel Thin w/peanut butter and blueberry preserves
  • Small salad
  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Fiber One granola bar
To my reconfigured way of looking at food, this just seems a little extravagant, mostly because of the malted milk balls. And I've felt kinda guilty all day, especially since I haven't worked out (yet). And especially since I haven't really been hungry all day, just kinda munching. Who knows, maybe I'm just nuts and have a skewed vision of food. But I do know that, at my current size, I really only need about 1800 calories/day to maintain my weight (if I don't exercise). I do find that when I'm consistently running/working out, I'm less prone to be hungry; thus, less munching. So, yeah. I guess I just wanted to get that off my chest. Blarg.

Anyone else have similar issues/theories? Anyone else tried Thomas' Bagel Thins (I'm partial to the whole wheat variety)?

Anyone else love BANANA CHIPS???

Saturday, February 20, 2010


So, I've come up with a little idea for myself this spring: a-race-a-month, or at-least-one-race-a-month. Just to give me something to occupy my running self (and myself, in general). Here's what I've got lined up so far:

1/24/2010: 3M Half-Marathon (done)
2/14/2010: Paramount Break-A-Leg 5K (done)
3/??/2010: ???
4/11/2010: Statesman Cap 10K
4/24/2010: Texas Round-Up 10K
5/2/2010: Schlotzsky's Bun Run 5K
6/5/2010: Taco Shack Freddie Frijole Fun Run 5K*
6/6/2010: Austin Bat Run 5K*
*the last two will be either/or--I doubt I'll do both.

I'm doing two 10Ks in April because for one (Cap 10K), I won't be really running up to speed--I'm doing it with some friends who are beginner runners and we'll probably be doing more walking than running. Thus, the Texas Round-Up 10K, which I'll probably be doing alone (and at my own speed).

I'm still trying to decide on a March race. Right now, it's a toss-up between the Trail Setter 5K (3/7/2010) and the Austin Runners Club Daisy 5K (3/27/2010). The latter is geared towards moms and families, but I'm sure they'll accept a single lady. :-p Part of me wants to do the SARR Prickly Pear 10M Trail Run in San Antonio (3/13/2010). I've never done a trail run (though I've run on trails, at Lady Bird Lake), and I haven't run longer than 6 miles since 3M, but I still think it might be fun. And it's the first weekend of spring break, so I don't think I'd have to work that Saturday. Maybe I can convince my dad to do it with me. I should probably decide soon...or maybe someone can help me decide. Any suggestions?

Not sure what will happen after early June--don't know if I'll feel like racing in the nasty hotness that is summer in central Texas. Especially if it's anything like last summer (consistent 105s, anyone?). We'll see.

If I stick to my runs for today and tomorrow, I should be at 18 for the week. Huzzah!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Paramount Break-A-Leg 5K Race Report and Other Revelations

This morning, I ran the Paramount Break-A-Leg 5K, which is put on in conjunction with Austin Marathon and Half-Marathon. It was kinda chilly this morning (about 43-ish--chilly for Texas), so I wore a technical shirt, a long sleeve t-shirt, and long tights. My plan was that I wouldn't be running long enough to get truly overheated, so I went for warmth. I also wore my new shoes, which are the same model as my old shoes (Brooks Trance 8), but in a different color. The race website made all of these dire warnings about parking difficulty ("You should plan to arrive by 5:30 or be tarred and feathered!" Not really.), so I left my apartment at 5:45 and got downtown at about 6:15 and found parking a few blocks from the starting line without a problem. I then sat in the warmth of my car 'til about 6:40, then went in search of the Porta Potties (which I found successfully).

The 5K started half an hour after the marathon and half (which started at 7), so, theoretically, you could watch the main races start and still be able to get to the 5K start line a few blocks up Congress. However, the fences surrounding the medical tent and finisher's village were set up so weirdly that I decided not to bother, and kinda peered down the road at the fireworks they set off at the beginning. Then the 5Kers lined up, and PRECISELY at 7:30, we were off (lovin' the promptness!).

Now, I should probably fill you in on something I discovered earlier this week: I'm a heck of a lot faster than I thought I was. Still not fast, or even middle-of-the-pack by most standards (maybe back of the mid-pack?), but much faster than I assumed I was. Like, a whole minute-per-mile faster. On Tuesday afternoon, I came home from work and decided to go for a 3-miler. I started out, and about halfway through, I was feeling a little winded. I thought to myself, "Hmm, maybe I just need more sleep...?" and kept going. At the end of my run, I looked at my watch, and was pleasantly surprised. This run clocked in a good 4-5 minutes faster than my usual times on that route. Holy cow! I hadn't run that route in quite a while, and had been doing most of my 3-milers on the treadmill. Subsequent outdoor runs this week confirmed that the 3-miler wasn't a fluke--my pace really is faster than I thought it was. For some reason, I guess I just hadn't been pushing myself for a while (the treadmill really doesn't require you to do that--which can be a crutch). Obviously, I need to get off the 'mill and get outside more, in order to realize my "potential."

Back to the race. I started off at my newly-discovered easy pace for the first mile, then kicked it into gear at around mile 2. I was definitely able to pick off a lot of the people who started out too fast, or started to fade toward the end. It feels weird passing people, because for the longest time I was always the one getting passed. As we neared the finish, I kicked it into gear. I actually had a lot of energy left towards the end, which makes me wonder (as I did in 3M) if I started out too slow. I guess I'll have to work on this "pushing myself" business. I PRed on the last 5K I did (which was in May of last year), by over 3 minutes, so...hooray! It wasn't as fast as my enlightening Tuesday 3-miler, but I'll take it. ;) This puts my mileage this week somewhere around 15 or 16. Tomorrow will be light cross-training (my knees are feeling a little beat-up), then back on to my quest for increased mileage.

Well, back to being an attentive reference librarian (someone's gotta run the joint on Sundays!), then home for minestrone, wine, maybe ice cream, and Jeeves and Wooster! Thanks, Netflix!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I did it again...

...ran another half-marathon, that is!

Almost two weeks ago, on January 24 (the day before my birthday), I ran the 3M Half Marathon. Based on my first half-marathon experience, I was a bit dubious about the whole thing, but I absolutely had a blast! I had been chewing on the idea of an early-2010 half for a while, even before RNRSA. It was down to 3M or the more popular, and more expensive, Austin Half Marathon. It finally came down to cost--3M was $30 cheaper. And it didn't hurt that it boasts a mostly downhill course. So I signed up on New Year's Eve (before the price increased) and got down to some quick training. I got in about 3-4 long runs before the big day, and hoped for the best.

Race day dawned super-windy! So windy, in fact, that the vast majority of the road barricades blew over and the start of the race was delayed for almost an hour while APD reset them all. I must say, I was quite grumpy huddled at the starting line in the 45-degree-with-wind-gusts-up-to-30-mph conditions. But once we got going, it wasn't so bad. I maintained a decent pace for most of the race, and only walked through the water stations. My (infamous) right knee started acting up around mile 5-6, but settled down around mile 10. I took a GU around mile 8, and that definitely helped power me up the one significant uphill section of the race. On the final stretch, I saw a couple of my friends who live in the area, and that was a nice boost. And then...I finished, with an almost 30-minute PR over RNRSA! I think two things can account for that: 1) It wasn't my first long race, so I knew what to expect, in terms of fatigue and nutrition, and 2) the weather was significantly different for the two races. While the balmy, still weather in November drained the life out of me, the chilly winter breeze of January definitely helped push me along, or allowed me to push myself along. Something to remember for future races (including this one, which I hope to do again next year!). After the finish, I grabbed some fruit, got my drop bag, and hopped on a bus to go back to my car. Later in the day, my stomach acted up a bit, but I guess that was just delayed-onset of nerves, or some such business. My friend took me out for pizza later, and then I vegged for the rest of the day.

No time for rest the next day! I worked a textbook-lending event at a local community college library for 10 hours. I was kinda stiff in the beginning, but I think all the moving around, and reaching, and stooping for books really helped me loosen up. In fact I think I would have been much more sore and stiff had I not had to move around so much. That evening, my friends took me out for Thai food and ice cream for my birthday. Overall, I was quite pleased with the productive 48-hours that led into my 26th year of being. :)

For the spring, I've got some 5Ks and 10Ks planned, and I'd also like to work on building my running base to 15-25 miles-per-week. This week will make about 18.5 miles. Next Sunday, I'm running a 5K that's part of the Austin Marathon and Half Marathon. This way, I get to feel a bit of the excitement of the big races, but don't have to put too much wear and tear on me olde body, and I can also make it to work by noon. ;)

If you're in the wicked snow storm right now...become one with the treadmill. If you're in Texas right now, enjoy this beautiful weekend! I hear the upcoming week's supposed to be another wet one...