In the spirit of this new phase, here's a little photo progression of my weight loss since June 2008 (apparently I really like to put my hands on my hips):

This was in June 2008, when I was about 223 lbs. I had just started working out at this point, and had probably started looking at making good food decisions (May I also mention that my hair needed a trimming).

This is from December 2008 (down 40 lbs.), when I was on my way to a friend's wedding. It was the first time in many years that I was able to buy a dress from the misses' section, so I was pretty excited.

This is just before my grad school graduation in May 2009 (approx. 65lbs. down). I'm thinking of getting this dress taken in to wear on Easter in a few weeks. Again, my hair is doing something funky.

August 2009, here in Central Texas in the beautiful hills (80 lbs. down). The first summer in about 5-6 years that I've felt comfortable wearing shorts (or that I've actually worn shorts). WIN.

11/15/09--Rock n' Roll San Antonio! About 90 lbs. down. I think I lost 3-4 lbs. in this race. Epic sweatfest.

A few weeks ago. At maintenance weight (about 127 that day, perhaps?). At my cousin's jazz/blues concert. Too bad I didn't get a picture of the boots I was wearing. :-p
So here I am. Maintaining at the moment. I'm running 4-5 times a week, (trying to) lifting weights 1-2 times a week, and cross training about twice a week. So, activity of some sort 5-6 times a week. My nutrition's been fairly constant for the past 5-6 months: I rarely eat meat, eat lots of fruits and veggies, and mainly drink water (expect when I have coffee or tea 4-5 times a week. And the occasional social alcoholic beverage). I let myself have a sweet once a day so I don't crave them (right now, Milk Maids!). So for the time being, I'll keep on truckin'.
I finally decided on a March race--the Austin Runner's Club Daisy 5K scheduled for next Sunday. HOWEVER, it has been postponed indefinitely (something about not being able to secure the course...?), so now I'm scrambling to find another March race. Hopefully I'll find something for the last weekend in March. It may require driving to another town.
Maybe in the future I'll do a post of bad race photos. 'Cause I've got plenty of those... :-p