Thursday, March 4, 2010

La Twinge

A few weeks ago, I noticed a twinge in my left knee. It wasn't bad, just a slight, sharp pain on the very outside of my kneecap. Since I considered my right knee as my bad knee and my left as my good one, I didn't really think anything about it. However, over the next few weeks as I ramped up my mileage, I began to notice the pain more and more, especially towards the end of my runs. Finally, last week I just decided to take a few days off in order to give myself a rest.

I only ran about 4 miles last week, and spent quite a bit of time on the elliptical. On Tuesday I did 2 miles on the treadmill with no pain. Today I did 4 miles outside (67 degrees--sorry Northerners and East Coasters!) and felt a little soreness towards the very end, but that was it. So...I guess I'll just keep an eye on it, and ice it and take ibuprofen as needed. I've also curbed my mileage ramp-up just a bit, or I'll at least try to ramp it up more gradually. After last year's knee problem, I suppose I've learned my lesson. The story of my twinge.

In other news, I've stopped eating--well, eating so much, or eating when I'm not hungry. I'm still not sure what spurred my mini-binge, but I'm 75% sure it was TOM-related. And now I'm feeling quite bloated, thank you. As if you really wanted (or needed) to know about all of my bodily functions. :)

Most of the time, I love being a woman, but sometimes...I wouldn't mind not gaining and losing the same 3 lbs. every month. However, I think the joys of shoe shopping and Sephora more than make up for it.


  1. Glad you are getting the bingeing under control. That is tough to do...

    Are you taping your knee before you run, or using a brace?

  2. Sometimes I use a knee strap on my right knee, but I keep forgetting to try it on my left knee--thanks for reminding me! I've never tried tape before, although I've heard Kinesio tape works wonders. Do you have any taping recommendations?
